(1) Introduction
a. TradingFunds.com, owned and operated by TF Solutions LLC-FZ, a limited company registered in the United Arab Emirates., hereby grants you (“you” or the “Trader”) a limited licence to utilise the services (the “Services”) offered by TradingFunds, subject to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.
b. It is important to note that this Agreement represents a legally binding contract, and as such, you are obligated to review its contents carefully before accessing or utilising any of the Services provided by TradingFunds. By accessing or utilising the Services, you are expressly agreeing to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.
c. Furthermore, TradingFunds reserves the right to exercise its sole and absolute discretion to suspend, replace, modify, amend, or terminate this Agreement at any time. Should TradingFunds choose to replace, modify, or amend this Agreement, your continued use of the Services following a change in the Effective Date of said modifications will signify your acceptance and agreement to any such replacements, modifications, or amendments to this Agreement.
Read our Terms and Conditions to understand the rules governing our services, including how prop firms operate and the conditions for participating in funded account challenges.
(2) Trader Agreement
a. When accessing and utilising our services, you confirm that you are above the age of 18 and possess the legal capacity to acknowledge and comply with the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement.
b. Additionally, if you are utilising our services on behalf of a business entity or any other third party, you certify that you have the proper authorization to act as an authorised agent of the said entity or third party. Furthermore, you possess the full right and capability to agree to and adhere to the terms and conditions of this Agreement on behalf of that business entity or third party.
(3) Limited Licence
a. TradingFunds hereby grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-assignable, revocable, and royalty-free licence to utilise the Services solely for their customary and intended purposes.
b. It is important to understand that your limited use of the Services does not grant you any licence or intellectual property rights to any technology, intellectual property, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secrets owned by TradingFunds or any third-party contractor thereof. You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Services is governed by the terms of this agreement and that any use of the Services not expressly authorised under the terms of this Agreement is strictly prohibited.
(4) Prohibited Uses
a. It is essential to use the Services in conformity with all relevant laws, regulations, and treaties. Furthermore, using the Services to violate the rights of any third party, including but not limited to privacy rights, intellectual property rights, rights of publicity, or any other personal or proprietary rights, is strictly forbidden.
b. Furthermore, it is strictly prohibited to engage in any of the following activities with regards to the Services or TradingFunds website: scraping, crawling, framing, posting unauthorised links to, aggregating, hacking, performing denial of service (DOS) attacks, reverse engineering, or bypassing technological protection measures.
c. The use of the Services or TradingFunds website to send unsolicited commercial emails to third parties or Traders of TradingFunds is strictly forbidden. It is worth noting that while TradingFunds is not accountable for any content published by its Traders and is not obligated to monitor such content, it reserves the right to remove them at its discretion.
Additionally, any trading strategy that is explicitly prohibited by our partnered Broker, is prohibited. This “Prohibited Trading” includes, but is not restricted to:
d. If TradingFunds identifies any Prohibited Trading activities, your participation in the program will be discontinued, and any fees paid to TradingFunds won’t be refunded. Before receiving a funded account, the trading activity of the Trader under these Terms and Conditions will be evaluated by both TradingFunds and the Broker to determine if it involves Prohibited Trading. If any Prohibited Trading activities are found, the Trader will not be granted a funded account after our assessment.
(5) Account Creation and Security
a. To become a registered trader, you will need to furnish some personal details, which may include your full name, email address, physical mailing address, phone number, date of birth, and a unique username and password for your account.
b. Your account is strictly personal and not transferable to anyone else. You are prohibited from buying or acquiring an account on behalf of a third party. It is your responsibility to keep your username and password secure and confidential. If you suspect that your account has been compromised, you must inform us immediately.
(6) Purchases and Refunds
a. TradingFunds offers a range of products, services, subscriptions, and access to specific areas of its website for a fee. Please note that prices and availability of these offerings may change at any time without prior notice. TradingFunds may permit purchases to be made directly on its website or through a third-party white-label affiliate. You are responsible for carefully reviewing and comprehending all terms and conditions associated with such transactions.
b. When you make a purchase, you acknowledge and accept that TradingFunds is not accountable and assumes no liability for any claims related to your purchase. After you have completed a transaction to purchase a product, service, subscription, or access to specific parts of TradingFunds website, TradingFunds will provide you with the said product, service, or access as per the approved transaction.
c. All Services purchased from TradingFunds are non-refundable. We will ask you to provide additional documentation or information before proceeding with the evaluation. If you fail to provide the requested documentation or information within 24 hours of the request, your use and access to the Services may be revoked.
d. TradingFunds retains the right to close an account without refund if the trader has been inactive for 30 days. This measure is taken to re-allocate resources and ensure that our trade servers and dashboard are functioning at optimal performance levels.
e. Customers who improperly dispute charges or request chargebacks through their bank will be subject to a permanent ban from the Platform. For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our email support.
(7) Responsible trading
a. The Responsible Trading Policy of TradingFunds aims to promote fair and ethical trading practices among traders while prohibiting fraudulent and gambling-related activities. Traders are required to follow the following guidelines:
b. General Trading Rules: Traders are prohibited from using strategies, software, or technologies that provide an unfair advantage or contravene standard financial market practices. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of slow or external data feeds, challenge passing/account management services, and combinations of trades. Additionally, the following specific trading strategies are strictly prohibited:
Tick scalping
Reverse arbitrage trading
Latency arbitrage trading
Hedge arbitrage trading
Grid trading
High-Frequency Trading (HFT)
Engaging in any of these strategies will result in immediate account closure and possible forfeiture of funds.
c. Risk Management Rules mandate traders to monitor their accounts and limit risk-taking behaviour. Traders must avoid situations such as risking 100% or more of their drawdown limits in open trades. If a trader breaches any of these guidelines, TradingFunds may take action, such as resetting the account, refusing withdrawal, or terminating the account altogether.
d. Automated Trading Rules allow traders to use risk management EAs and copy trading EAs if they comply with the General Trading and Risk Management Rules. However, the use of MQL5 signal services or directly copying trades from another TradingFunds Trader is prohibited. High-frequency trading (HFT) strategies or e-trading protocols are also prohibited and will lead to a termination without a refund.
e. If a trader violates any of the rules outlined in this policy, TradingFunds reserves the right to take action, including immediate termination of the account with no refund issued. If a trader collides with another TradingFunds Trader to violate the rules, all involved accounts will be terminated with no refund issued. TradingFunds also reserves the right to terminate accounts with reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.
f. In order to safeguard the simulated accounts, relationships with our trading software partner and support the success of our traders, we carefully monitor every account for any indications of gambling or reckless trading behaviour. Specifically, we are looking out for the following situations:
Trading in a manner that risks 100% or more of your drawdown limits across open trades. For example, opening trades with a total risk of 8% or 10% if the maximum loss is also 8% or 10%.
If we identify any reckless behaviour that breaches our guidelines, TradingFunds reserves the right to take action against the trader. Accounts are reviewed manually on a regular basis, particularly during key events such as account assessments, account scaling, or withdrawal requests.
g. In the event of any signs of gambling or an “all-or-nothing” mentality, or if an account is deemed extremely high risk, we may take any of the following actions:
Reset the Evaluation account to Level 1
Reduce the pay-outs to 25%.
Refuse withdrawal requests.
Refuse to scale the account.
Terminate the account entirely.
Our ultimate goal is to create a safe and responsible trading environment for all of our traders, and these measures are in place to help ensure that outcome.
(8) Trading Rules
Here are the rules that traders must follow:
Max Relative Drawdown Rule (1-Step Evaluations): The account balance or equity cannot fall to or below 8% of the account balance. The 8% relative drawdown will trail until it reaches the starting balance, and then it will be fixed.
Max Total Loss (2-Step Evaluation): The account balance or equity cannot fall to or below 10% of the account balance.
Responsible Trading Policy: The trader must follow the rules on the website, including the General Trading Rules, Risk Management Rules, and Automated Trading Rules.
Inactivity Rule: If no trade has been placed within a 30 day period, the account may be terminated without a refund.
Trading Behaviour: The trader must continue to use the same strategy as during the evaluation.
Minimum trading days: A ‘trading day’ qualifies only if the trader achieves a minimum gain of 0.5% on that day.
Traders are required to display a logical approach to risk management throughout their trading month. We believe in allowing flexibility and do not impose limitations on your risk or lot size in specific situations. However, it is essential that you maintain a consistent level of risk throughout each trading month. To ensure this, we expect our traders to adhere to the following guidelines:
Consistent Daily Risk: Traders are expected to employ a consistent level of risk on a daily basis.
Consistent Trading Style: Traders should maintain a consistent trading style throughout their trading month. While it is possible to utilize multiple styles, if you choose to do so, it is important to maintain a consistent pattern throughout the month. All your IP addresses should be from your billing location, if there is a specific reason why your IP address needs to rotate or you will be travelling please email support@tradingfunds.com to inform our accounts team.
Avoid Drastic Risk Increases or illogical trading behaviour: Traders should refrain from significantly increasing their risk at any point during their trading activities. It is important to maintain a measured and balanced approach to risk management.
c. Breaking any of these rules may result in account termination, a reduction of profit split, a withdrawal being refused, a scaling request being rejected, or the trader being required to re-attempt the evaluation. TradingFunds reserves the right to change the rules at any time.
d. We allow the use of any risk management EA or Trading Bot as long as they are not used in the following ways:
Tick scalping
Reverse trading
Latency trading
Hedge trading
Arbitrage trading
It is a violation if this rule is broken. We reserve the right to terminate any accounts that use any of these EA strategies.
(9) Guidelines
a. Upon registration as a Trader, TradingFunds will provide you with access to the guidelines associated with the Services. These guidelines are available on TradingFunds website and will also be sent to you via email. Please note that TradingFunds reserves the right to modify these guidelines at any time without prior notice, and the updated guidelines will be deemed incorporated into this Agreement.
b. It is important to understand that becoming a Trader with TradingFunds does not guarantee any promise of future employment or compensation, including monetary payments or other types of awards for your performance. TradingFunds makes no express or implied promises, guarantees, or warranties regarding your status as a Funded Trader or any future outcomes.
c. In order to successfully complete the evaluation and progress to funded status through the 1-step evaluation, traders must attain a total profit of 10% of the initial account capital by closing all positions and adhering to all of the set rules set out in these terms and conditions. On the other hand, if you are trading on a 2-step evaluation account you will need to meet 8% profit on Phase 1 and 6% profit in Phase 2.
(10) Trademarks
a. You agree that the trademarks, trade names, design marks, or logos on TradingFunds website are owned by or licensed to TradingFunds, and you cannot use them to confuse or deceive consumers, or falsely indicate the origin of goods or services. Using TradingFunds trademarks in domain names, advertisements, or meta tags is also prohibited. Other trademarks or logos belong to their respective owners.
b. You agree that TradingFunds website, suppliers, and licensors own all intellectual property rights in the text, programs, products, processes, technology, and other materials on the website. Accessing the website does not grant a licence to use any of TradingFunds or third-party’s intellectual property rights. The website and its contents, including copyrights, are owned by us or third-party suppliers, and copying, storing, modifying, distributing, or re-posting anything on the website for any purpose is prohibited without TradingFunds permission.
c. TradingFunds names, logos, slogans, and related products and services are its trademarks or service marks, while other marks belong to their respective companies. No licence is granted to use any of these marks on TradingFunds website, and accessing the website does not authorise their use in any manner.
(11) Disclosure Statement
a. Before participating in financial markets, carefully consider your investment objectives, risk appetite, and level of experience.
b. Trading can involve significant risk, including but not limited to leverage, creditworthiness, limited regulatory protection, and market volatility that can significantly impact the products’ trading price. In addition, due to the leveraged nature of over-the-counter trading, your funds will be equally impacted by any market movement, which can have both positive and negative consequences.
c. Using an Internet-based trading system carries certain risks, such as potential hardware, software, or Internet connection failures. It is important to note that TradingFunds cannot be held responsible for communication failures or delays that occur during Internet trading. However, TradingFunds has implemented backup systems and contingency plans to reduce the likelihood of system failures.
(12) Term and Termination
a. This Agreement will commence upon your purchase of a Service provided by TradingFunds and will remain in effect until TradingFunds terminates your access to the Services, or you decide to discontinue using them. TradingFunds reserves the sole and absolute discretion to terminate the Services or your access to its website without any prior notice.
(13) Assignment
a. Under this Agreement, you are strictly forbidden from transferring your rights and responsibilities to any third party. However, TradingFunds reserves the right to transfer its rights and responsibilities under this Agreement, which includes the possibility of selling TradingFunds or its Services.
(14) Waiver
a. No provision or violation of this Agreement shall be considered waived or approved unless the waiver is documented in writing and signed by the relevant party.
(15) Entire Agreement
a. The present Agreement between TradingFunds and the Trader regarding the use of Services represents the entirety of their agreement and replaces all previous understandings, agreements, or representations between them, regardless of whether they were written or verbal.
TradingFunds offers clients access exclusively to demo accounts within a simulated trading environment. Additionally, the services offered are aimed at assessing professional skills which result in a monetary reward.
The results of these services are directly related to each individual’s professional skill level and their capacity to follow the program guidelines and objectives detailed for each service. We encourage clients to conduct a comprehensive review of the program requirements before enrolling in any services.
Disclosure on Hypothetical Performance: The accounts utilized for our services are demo accounts. Hypothetical performance results come with inherent limitations, among which include the fact that they do not reflect actual trading.
No claim is made that any account will achieve or is likely to achieve profits or losses comparable to those discussed; in reality, actual results can significantly differ from those predicted by hypothetical performance.
Hypothetical performance often benefits from hindsight, does not account for financial risk, and cannot consider the financial risk in actual trading. For instance, the capacity to endure losses or to stick to a trading plan despite losses are crucial factors that can negatively impact real trading results. Many other market factors or aspects of implementing a specific trading program not accounted for in hypothetical performance preparation can also adversely affect actual trading results.
Please be aware that we do not offer specific investment advice, business consulting, analysis of investment opportunities, or any general recommendations on trading investment instruments.
Trading in financial markets carries a high level of risk, and we advise against risking more than you can afford to lose.
Goeman Borgesiuslaan 77 3515 ET Utrecht Netherlands